'Most Beautiful Island' movie by Ana Asensio: interview with actress

Cinema / Interview - 27 August 2018

Most Beautiful Island is the Ana Asensio's movie.

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Most Beautiful Island  is Ana Asensio's movie with Natasha Romanova and David Little. Ana Asensio - also actress - explains his experience on the set. Miller played in severals movies, as Like Me (2017), The Archive (2015) and Tu Me Manques (2018). The film received a positive reviews.

In Most Beautiful Island you are a director and an actress. What was the most difficult aspect in making the movie?

I also wrote the film and produced it.  This project have been a big part of my live for many years! The most difficult part was to be producer in the film.  My creative mind as a director was often conflicted with my “producer” mind, reminding me that certain things weren’t doable due to budget restrictions, schedule, etc. I was too aware at all times of everything that was going on and that was a heavy burden over my shoulders throughout the whole process. 

Look at the Gallery: Movie Most Beautiful Island

Movie Most Beautiful Island

Q. The protagonist arrives in an unknown New York. 

A. The protagonist is searching for a new opportunity in life, she is escaping her tragic past in her native country and she arrives to a place of which she knows very little of.  The discovery of the city is also part of the journey into learning and accepting herself. 

Q. How could the protagonist descends into an abyss, without realizing it?

A. Luciana is dealing with two very different things.  In one hand, she has to catch up on the fast pace of living in New York City in order to survive. Her decisions and actions are motivated by obtaining the most immediate results.  On the other hand, she is held into moving forward emotionally in her life due to the guilt she carries inside.  

Q. You were born in Madrid. Why did you move to New York? 

A. I had a romantic idea of NYC before I went and I used to excuse to study acting and English to make the decision to go there. But deep inside of me I knew I just wanted to be exposed to different things, to learn from that. I was very young and eager to live new things. 

Q. What do you miss more about Madrid? 

A. What I miss the most about Madrid is my family and my best friends.

Q. What's the thing you love and hate the most about New York?

A. What I love and hate about NYC is the same thing: the intensity of the city, which sometimes inspire me and makes me feel very alive, and other times drives me nuts.
Q. What is your typical day, between hobbies and work?

A. My days vary, but I try to have a consistency to write a little bit every day, or at least spend some time thinking about what I am currently writing. I have a small production company and we do a lot of different video projects, that keeps me busy in a daily basis. I like to swim and do yoga, whenever I have time for it, but I am not very consistent. I love to watch films and go to the theater.  But the majority of my free time goes to spend time with my son who soon will be three years old. 

Q. What is your favorite movie and why?

A. I can’t say which one is my favorite film, really.  But a film that I have loved for many years and watched multiple times is Blue by Kieslowski.  It’s beautifully shot, very provocative in a smart and subtle way. 

Q. Have you ever been to Italy? 

A. I have been a few times in different parts of Italy and I absolutely love this country. It is possibly the most beautiful country in the world!

Q. What is your next project?

A. My next project I hope it’ll be my next feature film, which I am currently writing. 

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