The end of the world, interview with author Charles Forsman
Comics / Interview - 21 February 2019
Charles Forsman is a comic book author.

Charles Forsman is author of comic The end of the fucking world and Slasher. The end of the world is also a tv serties on Netflix.
Q. "Slasher" is your last job, can you tell us how this comic was born?
A. Slasher came from my desire to try and tell a female serial killer story but the seed of it was brought on by a real life case that happened a few years ago. It was about a mother and daughter named Gypsy-Rose and DeeDee. The mother had Munchausen syndrome and was making her daughter ill and shaving her head to make it look like she had cancer. There are several very long pieces out there to read. The buzzfeed one was where I first encountered it. I thought it was such a strange and interesting story and it sort of crept into Slasher.
Look at the Gallery: Tv Series The end of the world
Q. "The End of the Fucking World" has become a TV serie. What was your involvement in this passage? Did you like the TV series that was created?
A. I was pretty hand off the whole thing but the creator of the series, Jonathan Entwistle and I would talk a lot. He kept me in the loop unofficially so I never felt shut out of it. That said, I trusted Jonathan and the team he put together and new they would make something interesting and I was quite happy to step back and let them make their thing. I love the series. I felt like they managed to keep the heart of my book but also make something quite different. I like that it watches kind of like the book in that it's a fairly quick watch and it just moves a long. Not much time to catch your breath, especially in the beginning. They manage to do that all the while still hooking you in emotionally.
Q. What are your drawing techniques?
A. I draw mostly with nib and brush on paper. I tend to change up my style quite a bit depending on the story I am working on. I feel like I am the type of artist where you can see who is influencing me at the time of creation. I don't mind this anymore. I used to cry about not having a style but I've come to embrace my stylessness.
Q. How do you create a comic book character?
A. It's kind of like a game. I am usually inspired by people I know or other characters in books or movies I like and I put myself into their skin and sees what comes out. I've been accused of telling the same story over and over again but I think that is okay. That's my story. It's the thing I'm grappling with in my psyche and a lot of my favorite artists do the same. If I sat down and tried to make a story that was super original with weird characters I don't think it would be very readable. I have to be able to do it for myself.
Q. What are your next projects?
A. I am working on a new comic series called Automa. It's a slight cyberpunk affair set in modern times. I don't want to give too much away other that that. I'm self publishing it through my Patreon account so my readers will get a new chapter in the mail every month.
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