Interview with actress Anastasia Skibunova

Interview with actress Anastasia Skibunova

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Interview with actress Anastasia Skibunova

Anastasia Skibunova is at the Moscow theatre with the opera At the Bottom by Maksim Gor'kij. The characters are Julius Ceasear, Leonardo da Vinci, Juda. She has worked on the TV series "Nothing Happens Twice 2" and "The Magnificent Five" and danced at the Pina Bausch Dance Theatre in London.

What is the story of this play? 

The story is, first of all, the classical story is about people who are poor inside. So they are completely poor on the outside and on the inside they are like formless. But in our theatre we turned the poor people from the classical play into very rich people. And the message of this play is that all rich people or poor people, if they have nothing inside, if they do not develop their spirit, their inner world, it is not complete. 

They will never be happy if they don't have inner peace. This is about our play in the bottom, how people are in the bottom, or either they are rich, either they are poor, how the bottom thing is that they are not improving themselves. 

Is that a criticism of consumerism?

Yes. So they have money. We play, for example, my role in the bottom is that you play the woman who has money, who has a man, but she's not happy because she's always, she's not stable, she doesn't have any harmony. 

She doesn't even want to know where to go and what to do. So she just spends everything, uses everybody and without focusing on the word things on herself. 

Can you tell us something about your next project? 

My next project is playing in the film. And I will play in the film Detective Woman: a woman who investigates different situations as a job. She has many clients, unusual clients.

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