Interview with Perla Middleton, actress for 'Avengers: Infinity War'

Comics / Interview - 26 April 2019

Perla Middleton is actress for 'Avengers: Infinity War'

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Interview with Perla Middleton, actress for Avengers: Infinity War (2018).

With few exceptions, superhero movies - and those produced by Marvel in particular - are invariably huge box-office hits. Why, in your opinion?

In my opinion, comic book based movies have moved from being "B-movies” to being box-office smashing hits by casting household names and box office big-hitters who attract the masses. Not to mention that reviving a franchise and appealing to scores of adults who have been fans of comic books for decades is alluring. Why not target an audience of diehard fans who now have kids of their own, to whom they can pass the love of the genre? Not only has the market, in my opinion, expanded but the prevalent use of marketing and merchandise sales boosts the interest in a franchise, especially a comic book-based one where toys and collectibles will bring in sales and fans. Lastly, movies are a great escape from our own personal/real life, allowing to become part of a story or adventure. Comic book-based movies provide just that: what’s a better story than one where you are a superhero, and justice triumphs over evil?

How did you prepare for your role in "Avengers Infinity War”?

It requires knowledge about said scene and production assistants must be available to go over what specific actions will be performed and who will be performing them. Scenes are rehearsed and shot by the entire team, including actors, who work in unison to deliver the perfect performance.
As background actors, we seldom wear a costume unless we are being featured, playing a certain type of character (like someone who would wear a uniform) or are standing in for an actor. However, the producers and directors want a certain look and we often have to attend what they call "fittings". During a fitting, you may try on a number of clothing options that really speak to the scene you are there to be a part of. A few are chosen and one is agreed upon by the wardrobe department. 

How was working with directors Anthony and Joe Russo? 

It is a treat to get to see the director or directors, but it does not happen often. I, unfortunately, did not see them while I was on set, but I hear that they have amazing chemistry.

Was there a good working relationship among the actors?

For this particular franchise, the actors on set got along great between takes. They were silly and lighthearted, you could see a lot of laughter from where we were... It appeared as if it was another day at the office, but what an office! If you go back and look at their Instagram accounts you will see what I am referring to, there are lots of pictures of them acting silly. However, when it was time to get down to business they were professional and serious about their craft.

How was your typical day of filming?

Days on set are long, there's a lot of prep and information given to background actors regarding safety, divulging specific information about the scene (hence why I have been vague regarding my days on set with the Marvel franchise, we can’t talk about this stuff). A general timeline on that day:

Arrive at set

Get wardrobe

Get a briefing on the day

Get placed on set

Given instructions regarding the scene 

Rehearse the scene

Shoot the scene

And somewhere in the middle have a break to eat a meal, while snacks are provided throughout the day.
Something I thought was funny was the fact that for a solid 2 hours I thought Robert Downey Jr's body/stunt double was the actual RDJ, then he came and stood next to the body double and I thought to myself, “I've been drooling over the wrong guy”. The resemblance is uncanny.

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